Smart Charger Guide

What is a Smart Charger?
A smart charger allows a user to charge and maintain their vehicle's battery using mains power. Unlike traditional battery chargers, smart chargers are programmed to recondition, recharge and then maintain various battery types. Suitable for a wide range of batteries, including stop-start vehicles, smart chargers can be connected and left for long periods of time, ideal for seasonal vehicles.
What's the difference between a regular charger and a smart charger?
Regular battery chargers are only suitable for a limited range of battery types, typically lead acid and gel. Smart Chargers on the other hand are capable of charging a much wider range of batteries, adapting to each type to deliver the most efficient charge cycle.
Reconditioning the battery, recharging it and the smart charger automatically switches to maintenance mode. Maintenance mode allows the smart charger to be left permanently connected to the battery, unlike the traditional charger which must be removed following charging.

Can a smart charger start a car with a flat battery?
No, unlike a jump starter, a smart charger can’t supply a vehicle with the high amps required to start the engine directly. Smart Chargers help prevent flat batteries, whereas jump starters help recover the vehicle.
If a battery has completely failed, a smart charger may be unable to repair this and a new battery would be required.
Which Smart Charger Should I Buy?
Smart Chargers differ in their voltage and amp output. Although almost all cars use a 12V battery, the size of each battery will vary according to the size of the engine fitted.
As smart chargers with higher amp outputs charge batteries faster, we recommend using these on larger batteries.
Certain models of smart chargers also feature additional voltages such as 6V for mowers and small motorcycles and 24V for commercial vehicles such as HGVs.

How to use a smart charger
- With the engine not running, connect the battery clamps to the corresponding battery posts. Red to the positive post and black to the negative post.
- Connect the Smart Charger to the mains power
- Select the corresponding voltage and mode
- Leave the smart charger attached
- Once charged the smart charger will automatically switch to maintenance mode
- Disconnect the charger from the mains and remove once the vehicle is needed